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Preparation of expert reports and statistical reviews

The expert report: an asset not to be overlooked

Situations that require the regulatory authority to inspect or approve an ingredient, product, process or structural modification, etc. are numerous and they will not disappear as if by magic!

You are now obliged to demonstrate that you meet the requirements of regulatory compliance rather than meet rigid requirements that are sometimes meaningless or inapplicable in certain situations. The beauty of it is that the means that you will take to do it are now yours and you are allowed to make room for innovation.

This is the approach now in effect with the Safe Food for Canadians Regulations ( SFCR ) and you can now benefit from the resulting flexibility; flexibility that was long awaited by representatives of the food industry.

In your efforts to demonstrate that you are consistent with regulatory compliance requirements or as you are; you are going to have to show evidence, submit documents and explain what you do or want to do.

It can also be commercial cases in which an error has slipped, a fault has been committed or a regulatory provision has not been respected by one of your partners or suppliers and that in the end it causes you harm.

This is where the preparation of an expert report comes into play.

Prepare an expert report for multiple reasons

Each situation or each case will be specific. However, it is important to prepare your case well and to make sure that you will be able to express your point of view in order to get what you want.

Expert reports and statistical analysis/review are useful in several ways, including:

Credibility and thoroughness

Make sure you have the necessary expertise on your team so that your report is recognized and credible with the regulatory authority or any other body to which it will be submitted/filed to. Do not hesitate to use any official and/or regulatory documents, technical data sheets, norms, standards or materials that come from your suppliers.

In order to present a more rigorous report, deemed independent and for which you will not appear as judge and party; it is useful to call for an external resource. When the facts are presented by a neutral third party ; the attitude is more conducive to dialogue, explanation and conclusion of an agreement or a favorable settlement.

We are able to help you, or produce for you, expert reports and statistical analsis/review that will greatly help you to assert your point of view and defend your interests so that you are able to meet the requirements. regulatory compliance , standards and those of your customers (including those stipulated in the GFSI standards). This will allow faster settlement of non-compliances, disputes/arguments with the regulatory authoritycommercial disputes that may arise with your customers, suppliers or partners , if applicable.

We already work with law firms, engineering frims and insurance companies to produce expert reports and statistical analysis/reviews/studies in claims and litigation cases.

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