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Purchase of machinery and equipment

Make the right choices to be able to provide quality services efficiently

The choice of machines and equipment is often limited by the budget and this is a major constraint, even unavoidable. Modern equipment and the latest in technology to operate an industrial laboratory profitably  are more effective, faster and, most of the time, allow direct capture data and record them digitally directly in your computer system.

So, the price is certainly important but the efficiency, the return on investment, your obligations, the possible depreciation and the economies of scale to be realized are also to be taken into consideration.

Buying a more expensive, more efficient , more efficient and state- of-the- art machine or equipment can save you on:

  • Purchases of reagents for:

  • Hardware and accessories

    • permanent

    • recyclable / disposable

  • Space (and it can make a huge difference)

  • The time required to perform the analysis

  • The maintenance

  • The time required to prepare and obtain your analytical reports

  • The ability to update and/or adapt to technological changes

  • Compatibility from the point of view of operating systems with your computer system

A cost-benefit study is more than essential to make sure you are making the right choices. Leasing, the possibility of " renting to buy " or the purchase of used equipment are also options that can become interesting .

Machines and equipment Versus your analytical services

The analytical services that you offer may require having several types of machines and equipment. Opting for machines and equipment that can allow you to perform several types of analysis with the minimum of machines or equipment will help you to offer analytical services just as complete but in a simpler way while minimizing the costs and the time required to do them.

Remember that the simplest solutions greatly deserve to be explored before encumbering your laboratory with machines and equipment that are only used for one type of analysis. There are tradeoffs to be made for sure, but for the right reasons and the right way .

When setting up an industrial laboratory or purchasing new machinery and equipment, compromises must be based, among other things, on :

  • The services you want to offer

  • Target customers

  • Floor space and height available

  • Being a certified laboratory or not (ISO 17025 or other standard or recognition by the regulatory authority)

  • The volume of analysis desired or to be carried out

  • The scope of your certification when applicable

  • The staff you have and/or are willing to hire

  • Available funds

  • Obtaining loans or grants

  • The desired degree of automation

  • Service agreements and the ease of obtaining after sales service

  • Guarantees

The machines and equipment that will make the difference

The machines and equipment that will allow you to make the best choices are those that will make you compromise the least while taking into account your obligations and allowing you to obtain the best return on investment .

The miniaturization of machinery and equipment is a phenomenon that continues to grow while floor space becomes more and more expensive. This is why it is more than essential to make the right choices and to rely on flexible machines and equipment, which can perform more than one type of analysis and whose operating and maintenance costs are low or reasonable.

We are able to help and advise you with your purchase of machinery and equipment so that you are able to get the best return on investment and a higher added value. This will simplify/streamline your approach and improve your flexibility and efficiency while saving you money and possibly profits. This will help you to comply in a simple and exemplary way with regulatory or normative compliance requirements as well as those of your customers (including those stipulated in the GFSI standards or the ISO 17025 standard, Good Laboratory Practices, etc.).

© 2021 MMNA Consultants - Biochemist & Professional chemist

Expertise and services in the food industry and industrial laboratories

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